Every day on my way to work I pass under a flyover. In all the cement plied up for the construction work, I can see 2 girls aged between 6 -7 years, gleefully playing in the mud.
They seem oblivious to all the grim surrounding them and keep playing with their make shift toys. Must appreciate their ingenuity, they have used basic things thrown away by people as their toys. They looked truly happy.
On the other hand, in my swimming classes (I can’t swim) there is another girl of the same age who is forced to go swimming. We can practically see her shivering in the cold but she has to continue with the tedious task of making her mandatory rounds. There is a constant expectation in her eyes to get out of the pool. Definitely no happiness is visible.
Strange when we have everything we want more. We continuously crave for things which we don’t want just because it looks good on others. What do we truly crave for? A good night’s sleep, a smile and a look of love. For all of this we strive through out the day and yet come home empty handed.
Amazing ways of life.
Labels: thought