Friday, 28 November 2008

Mumbai under siege

Strange but true Mumbai is once again siege. The entire attack seems like a bad film gone hay wire. Mumbai’s top cop lay slain by the attack. Over 125 deaths and the death toll keeps rising.

We have been at constant mercy of the terrorists. Every one loves quoting the resilient spirit of Mumbai but how long do the normal citizen have to keep up with this spirit?

When will the politician take notice of the plight of the citizen? The blame game has begun but no measures are being taken place to resolve the ongoing issue.

Our police are not equipped to fight such high end terrorists. The very fact that the ATS chief entered the hospital with a gun which was no match to the AK – 47s of the world. It just begins to light the pitiable situation of Mumbai which has been the constant target of any terrorist attack.

I think in these election fake promises of keeping Mumbai safe will not do. It’s about time they take some action…

We as citizens need to make our stand clear and show the power of democracy, only then things will change.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Unknown Visitor

I had a crazy moment of writing poetry though havent been very successfully in that.
I am listing one of the poems I am currently writing but havent yet completed

Dreams collide with facts
confusing my continous state of being
Moving from one to the other
no one phase can I see

Clouded is my mind
with no cohorent thought
Like my dreams they float
on a moonless night

Darkness & light enterwine
spreading a glow around
Craving to reach my soul
in the darkest corner that i hide


Lost for words

My friends feel that I am never at lose for words, considering they have heard already enough of me, am putting my views and reviews online.

I can’t believe it but I am really at lose for words and reminds me of my exams. The moment you just can’t think right ….

Hopefully I can express myself as I do with my non stop verbal blabber … till then bear with me …